Thursday, June 19, 2008

Marinated Beef with Brown rice and Bok Choi

Quick and easy this one, and as per most of my weekday cooking, it's healthy, which is good, as I plan to go to either Beo (new organic restaurant with a badly thought-out name) or Zest this weekend.
Take about 200-220g of minute steak (enough for two), and put in a glad bag with a teaspoon of sesame oil and a few tablespoon of good soy or multipurpose seasoning, a sprinkle of dried chilli flakes and leave to marinate in the fridge if possible.

Cook enough brown long grain rice for two in some bouillon/vegetable stock as per the packet instructions.

In a hot frying pan, break an egg and whisk until loosely cooked, add the cooked rice and a splash of light soy and stir, throw in a cup of frozen peas (the ubiquitous freezer staple) and remove from the heat.

Steam the bok choi (cut them in half length ways if they are big) until still crunchy, but the leaves have wilted. As soon as your bok choi is the steamer, flash fry the steak in a very hot dry frying pan, set aside and slice into strips with a sharp knife.
Serve in large bowls with the beef on top of the rice and the bok choi on the side.

You've probably worked out by now that lots of my recipes requires a bit of a marinade - don't panic if you don't have time, just as soon as you get started, chuck the marinade and meat together in a bowl and let sit whilst you prepare the rest of the meal (chopping, laying the table etc). 5 mins is better than none at all. I know in the past brown rice has been truly yucky - reserved for bad 70's hippy type fare only, but try something like this one, the mix has a great flavour and cooking it in stock really helps.

Weather: for the first time in about 6 weeks, it's not rained today yet....

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