Saturday, June 21, 2008

Grown up Chocolate Cornflake Cakes

So, we didn't end up having the marinated beef on Thursday, instead we gave in and hit Pizza Express for an American (for me), American Hot (for E) and two bottles of red (for sharing). Very naughty indeed. So we'll be having the beef on Sunday and there'll be No Drinking this week from Sunday to Thursday, honest.

Was a bit all out of ideas this Friday for the baking, so I whipped up some chocolate cornflake cakes.
Melt lot's of 70% Green and Black chocolate in the microwave, and stir in Kelloggs (a must) cornflakes. Spoon the mixture into foil cups and pipe with melted white for milk chocolate for prettiness.
Really, it doesn't get any easier than that. As a trial, I also did some where I used chocolate with Chilli - using either 70% chocolate or the chilli variation is a great grownup twist on a classic kids food - which is always well received.

I need to get thinking for more Friday Baking ideas - this week I think I might make my ginger cookies - tiny gingery mouthfuls that disappear in minutes - I don't think they have ever hung around for more than a day.

Weather: Glorious - just did 20 minutes each side by the pool.

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