Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Classic Carrot Cake

To be honest, I was never a fan of carrot cakes until I had this one. It's very easy to throw together and has all the right flavours coming together - a hint of spice, unctuous raisins with a coconut undertow. Try not to baulk at the oil - it makes for a beautifully moist cake. This recipe is courtesy of Mrs Herringbone-Chive - an excellent cook, friend and all round goddess.

Weapons of choice: you can either use a large ring tin, cupcakes, or sandwich tins

Classic Carrot Cake

Pre-heat the oven to 140c

9oz self-raising wholemeal flour
12oz soft brown sugar
3 large free range eggs
6 floz sunflower oil
2 floz soured cream
2tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp salt
11 oz grated carrot
3 oz desiccated coconut
2 oz raisins

Bowl 1 (make it the biggest one):
Add the eggs, oil, vanilla, sour cream, and sugar.

Bowl 2:
Sift the flour, spices, bicarbonate of soda, and the salt.

Bowl 3:
carrot, raisins, and coconut.

Beat bowl 1 thoroughly. Then fold the contents of bowl 2 into bowl 1. Then mix in the contents of bowl 3.

Turn into your selected tin and bake for 1.5-2 hours.


8oz Cream Cheese (not Philadelphia)
4 oz butter
4 oz icing sugar
Juice 1/2 a lemon.

Beat the cheese, butter and icing sugar together to get a thick creamy icing. Add the lemon to taste. This can either be spread on thickly, used to sandwich cakes together or piped into big swirls.

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