Monday, August 25, 2008

Mini Spiced Lamb cakes with Chunky Tomato Sauce

Quick and easy and healthy - definitely a part of the plan
Blitz a white onion and 4 fat cloves of garlic in the food processor, then remove about half of this to a hot thick bottomed pan to brown. Whilst that's busy, throw a handful of fresh coriander and mint, a teaspoon each of cumin, ground coriander seeds, and turmeric, three heaped teaspoons of harrissa and a large pinch on salt into the processor and whizz with the remaining onion and garlic. Scrape out the resultant blend and stir into about 220g of good quality minced lamb.

Open up a tin of plum toms and slice them roughly, putting them into the hot pan with the browned onions, cook on a medium heat to drive off the fluid (you might need 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to take the edge off).

Leave to tomato sauce to cool while you heat a non-stick frying pan to medium hot. Shape the lamb mince mixture with your hands into small balls and add to the hot pan, pressing them down with a spatula to form small patties. Cook them all and remove to a serving plate when slightly charred on the outside.
Serve with a simple lemon juice dressed green leaves and bread wraps.

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